J. Johnston

"I would like to thank Robyn for coming into our home to help my son with his autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Having ASD has made making friends and navigating social complexities an impossibility for my child. Watching his struggle to maintain friendships has been heartbreaking. Living with a breakdown of communication between me and my son has also been a stressful and draining experience. Speech therapy we have attended before, in the schools and in clinics, have been exhausting for us and have shown little transference into the real life situations we face at home. Having Robyn come into our home and hold River accountable for his goals in his home environment has made such a drastic difference already after only a few sessions. I can remind him of his goals and he immediately has an "aha" moment. Before, I was not included in his therapy as much and he would disappear into a room and come out an hour later as I waited in a waiting room. Robyn makes the family a part of therapy and it really has given me peace of mind to have a plan to go by and someone else to help me with my own ability to communicate effectively. I feel that sometimes as a parent I have gotten used to the way River communicates and unknowingly enabled problem behaviors and communication with others not familiar with my son. Robyn is helping us all target communication blurbs and smooth out the wrinkles in the flow of our family.Thank you Robyn!!!"